How does it Work?
Your daily critical checks in one place now.
Rise in productivity within the business. An average daily location uses our app a total of 7 to 10 mins.
All detailed data can be seen or accessed either the app or desktop.
Getting daily updates delivered to your inbox rather than hunting for this ‘dirty paperwork’.
Multi Site locations can be managed within the app and better oversight with out being on site.
Decrease in E-Waste and no need to buy unnecessary devices. No waiting on replacement equipment.
Our APP uses all the devices technologies to change behaviour and food safety standards.
Stores all your files within the app for easy retrieval when inspected.
Checks are consolidated into easy logical steps and intertwined for ease of use.
Allergen matrix display is visually defined in text along with images of the allergen preventing any errors.
All detailed data can be seen or accessed either the app or desktop.
Multi-User Access - Users can simultaneously do checks along with other users doing checks.